A 1-day beginner storytelling workshop that can be adjusted to suit all ages (age 7 to adult) . I have conducted several workshops over the years at local libraries (DFW Area) with kids 7 to 12 years old successfully. I also ran a kid’s storytelling club for two years. The focus of my workshop is to introduce my group to how to tell a story. This includes working with voice, expression, and physical motions. Also dealing with an audience and how to perform with a microphone. Workshop length can vary from 4 to 6 hours in Schools, libraries, and festivals.
To Hire The Storyman, please
Contact his Agent Carole Weitzel
512.914.2596 Or
through her website www.AuthorsandMore.com

Gary Whitaker the Storyman, Storyteller

Gary Whitaker the Storyman man has over 30 years ( since 1993) experience as a professional storyteller.
Retired and a full-time storyteller he lives in Fort Worth Texas. He provides a wide range of storytelling programs.
The Story Man has entertained at Elementary, Middle, and High Schools, libraries, festivals, churches, retirement facilities, private home parties, and much more.
To Hire The Storyman, please
Contact his Agent Carole Weitzel
512.914.2596 or through her website www.AuthorsandMore.com
Wanting more info concerning programs contact the Story Man at storymantales@hotmail.com