Watch and listen to the entire tale of Beowulf as you have never heard it before. The Hall of Hrothgar and the heroic battle between good and evil comes to life through Gary Whitaker’s words and actions as this modern-day bard brings this ancient tale to life. This master storytellers’ passion seeps through the disk with power and grit. This is not a narrative of the story as most storytellers would do but rings with the sounds of biting prose. You can watch and listen to the opening scene of the DVD at the following link: (Link to video excerpt) Beowulf After studying Beowulf for over seven years Mr. Whitaker has produced his own storytelling interpretation of this ancient masterpiece. His depiction of this archaic text was conceived to be as much like the original in feel and presentation as possible. This version was developed to make it more interesting and understandable to a modern-day audience and yet capture how it might have sounded in medieval times. Read a review of Gary Whitaker’s Beowulf |

Stories that Inspired JRR Tolkien and the Lord of the Rings
Stories on this CD include:
Listen to Beowulf here
The Death of King Arthur
This is the only medieval program in which Mr. Whitaker performs the story in 1st person. The story is told by his dedicated knight, Sir Bedivere and is based primarily on Mallory’s version. The story briefly describes Arthur’s rise to power and how his son betrayed and destroyed him. This depiction hovers between the mystical and real King Arthur.
Listen to The Death of King Arthur here
Sigurd the Dragon Slayer
This tale is taken from the ancient Viking “Volsung Saga”. The story tells how Sigurd (the young hero) is manipulated by his devious teacher, a dwarf named Regin, into slaying an ancient dragon so that he (Regin) might gain the dragon’s treasure horde and a valuable ring that is cursed. The Volsung saga is in itself a long and complicated tale and this is just one of its stories, rewritten to interest a modern-day audience.
Sigurd the Dragon Slayer
Tales of Ancient Warriors cover art by Paul C. Nihart of Galliano, LA. burningdynamics@yahoo.com – 985.632.4742 – www.geocities.com/tyme2act
For more information please contact Gary Whitaker at 817.301.5611 or by email storymantales@hotmail.comSummer of the Red Dragon – Released 12/15/06

Summer of the Red Dragon is a tale about two teenage boys in the year 1963 who are faced with a mythical monster. The story of Jason and Weasel and their fight to save their friends is a modern-day fairy tale.
Listen to The Summer of the Red Dragon here
Summer of the Red Dragon cover art by Paul C. Nihart of Galliano, LA. burningdynamics@yahoo.com – 985.632.4742 – www.geocities.com/tyme2act For more information please contact Gary Whitaker at 817.301.5611 or by email storymantales@hotmail.com |
Mr. Whitaker’s first CD is a collection of his own twisted scary tales. These stories are fun, bizarre and eerie. Conceived for those who enjoy Twilight Zone-style stories, they are sure to scare you silly! Stories list: Manager’s Special Der Futtersak Eyes of Dr. Knoe Listen to The Jack and Jill here (Recommended for ages 11 and up.) |
Listen to Something Wicked here
CD Title:
Something Wicked

For more information on purchasing CD’s or DVD’s please contact Gary Whitaker at 817.301.5611 or by email storymantales@hotmail.com